Here are some songs with more of a beat.

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  1. Hoki hoki tonu mai (fast)
    Hoki hoki tonu mai (fast) - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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    Another song from Kōrero Māori:
  2. Ka mate ka mate
    Ka mate ka mate - lyrics
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    Embedded link
  3. Māku rā pea
    Māku rā pea - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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    Another song from Kōrero Māori:
  4. Haere mai rā
    Haere mai rā - lyrics
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  5. Hoki mai e tama mā
    More information about the song can be found here
    Hoki mai e tama mā ki roto ki roto
    I ngā ringa e tuwhera atu nei
    Kei te kapakapa mai te haki te haki
    Ingarangi runga Tiamana e

    Hoki mai hoki mai ki te wā kāinga
    Kia tutuki te tāmanako
    Kei te kapakapa mai te haki te haki
    Ingarangi runga Tiamana e
    Welcome boys into our outstretched arms. The flag flutters, England over Germany.

    Welcome, welcome home. In order to fulfill the wish. The flag flutters, England over Germany.
    Hoki (return) mai (to me) e tama (boy) mā ki (to) roto (inside) ki roto
    I ngā (plural) ringa (hand) e tuwhera (open) atu (outwards) nei (here)
    Kei te (present form) kapakapa (flutter) mai (to me) te (the) haki (flag) te haki
    Ingarangi (England) runga (over) Tiamana (Germany) e

    Hoki (return) mai (to me) hoki mai ki (to) te (the) wā (place) kāinga (home)
    Kia (be) tutuki (complete) te (the) tūmanako (hope)
    Kei te (present form) kapakapa (flutter) mai (to me) te (the) haki (flag) te haki
    Ingarangi (England) runga (over) Tiamana (Germany) e

    But if you want a cute version, try this link: Military version
  6. Putiputi kaneihana
    Putiputi kaneihana - lyrics
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    English version
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    Mixed lyrics
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    Here is another version (first song in the medley).
  7. He Putiputi Koe
    He Putiputi Koe - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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  8. Tamariki Māori
    Tamariki Māori - lyrics
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    Embedded link
  9. Tūtira mai
    Tūtira mai - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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  10. Whiti marama i te pō
    Whiti marama i te pō - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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    Unfortunately embedding is disabled for this video
  11. Ngā waka e whitu
    Ngā waka e whitu - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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    Embedded link
  12. Nau mai piki mai
    Nau mai piki mai - lyrics
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    Mixed lyrics
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  13. Kia paimarie
    Kia paimarie - lyrics
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    English version
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    Mixed lyrics
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  14. Tōia mai te waka
    Tōia mai te waka - lyrics
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    English version
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    Mixed lyrics
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    And here is another version
  15. Nga iwi e
    Nga iwi e - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
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    Mixed lyrics
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  16. Pa mai
    Pa Mai - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
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    Mixed lyrics
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