First I need to start with a warning. If you didn't read the pages about me, you must realize that I am not Māori. Yeah, I know it is strange that I would be the one to teach you how to speak the language, but you must realize that you are on a pōrangi website so beware (wicked laugh in background).

Please note that if you like you can find wonderful websites to learn the language here. Perhaps being non-Māori, my approach to the language may be easier for some, especially Americans. Most Māori sites talk about the UK-English pronunciation.

Now for some comments before you try to learn the language:

  • The most important part is the PRONUNCIATION. Do NOT skip that page. Reading Māori like in English is an insult even to me and I'm not Māori, only pōrangi...
  • There are MANY dialects in the language. For this website I will choose what is most comfortable for me, but you should use the dialect that is used by the Māori people with whom you are dealing. The Māori people will usually understand what you say even if it is from a different dialect and will be happy to see you learn the language. You can always learn from your Māori friends. Enjoy yourself.
  • The different dialects will mean that there are different ways to pronounce vowels (no, the English pronunciation is not included), different ways to form words, and different words. The biggest problem is, of course, they may sing songs differently! :) Don't worry about it. It's not really a problem (except for the songs :) ), just be aware of it.
  • To learn the language, it will not be enough to learn the rules and the vocabulary. You will have to practice. Some of the ways to practice are by learning the songs, listening to the news (perhaps with English subtitles), reading books, and talking to the Māori people.
    My mother learned a new language by reading the local newspaper every day. At first it took her a long time to read the newspaper, and with time she could read very quickly. Unfortunately I could not find an online newspaper in the Māori language. Maybe someday there will be one.

Let's get started with the pronunciation...

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