I put this songs on a seperate page so that people who have a problem with songs of religion can skip this page.

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  1. I roto i te tohu (tune: Shackled by a heavy burden/He touched me)
    I roto i te tohu o te hē
    O nga whakawaitanga
    Ka toro mai te ringa o te Ariki
    Ka hotu ake te manawa

    He tohu, he tohu wairua
    Tiaho mai ra nga whetu
    He aha rawa ra kua puawaitia
    Te tohu o te Arikinui
    Inside the guidance of evil and of temptation, the Lord's hand reaches out to me and my heart cries.

    Spirit give me guidance, stars shine on me. Give me guidance of the Lord that once used to bloom.
    I roto (inside) i te (the) tohu (guidance) o (of) te (the) hē (evil)
    O (of) nga (plural) whakawaitanga (temptations)
    Ka (then) toro (stretch out) mai (to me) te (the) ringa (hand) o (of) te (the) Ariki (lord)
    Ka (then) hotu (sob) ake (upwards) te (the) manawa (heart)
    He (some) tohu (guidance), he tohu wairua (spirit)
    Tiaho (shine) mai (to me) ra (there) nga (plural) whetu (stars)
    He aha (what) rawa (indeed) ra (there) kua (past) puawaitia (bloom)
    Te (the) tohu (guidance) o (of) te (the) Arikinui (great lord)

    And a sample from the St Joseph Māori Girls Choir: here.
    Here is the similar tune of Shackled:

  2. Wairua tapu
    Wairua tapu tau mai rā
    wairua tapu mai runga
    uhia mai ngā taonga pai
    homai tō aroha

    Wāhia, kia tika
    akona mai rā kia ū ki te pai.
    Horoia, kia mau tonu rā
    mōhou te tino kororia
    Alight holy spirit, holy spirit from above, cover all that we consider precious, give us your love.

    Make us right (straight) like firewood, teach us to hold on to firmly to what is good, wash us so we will remain good, for yours is the true glory.
    Wairua (spirit) tapu (holy) tau (alight) mai (to me) rā (there)
    Wairua (spirit) tapu (holy) mai (to me) runga (above)
    Uhia (cover) mai (to me) ngā (plural) taonga (property) pai (good)
    Homai (give) tō (your) aroha (love)
    Wāhia (firewood), kia (be) tika (straight)
    Akona (teach) mai (to me) rā (there) kia (be) ū (firm) ki (to) te (the) pai (good).
    Horoia (wash), kia (be) mau (fixed) tonu (always) rā (there)
    Mōhou (for you) te (the) tino (very - main) kororia (glory)
    This time youtube has a nice version.

    Another nice version

  3. E te Ariki (whakarongo)
    E te Ariki whakarongo mai rā ki ā mātou
    E te Ariki titiro mai rā ki ā mātou
    Tēnei mātou ō tamariki
    E whakapono ana mātou ki a koe
    Aue Aue Aue Aue
    Te Matua te Tamaiti Wairua Tapu e
    Lord, listen to us. Lord, look at us. We here are your children, we believe in you. The father, the son and the holy spirit.
    E te (the) Ariki (Lord) whakarongo (listen) mai (to me) rā (there) ki (to) ā (at) mātou (us)
    E te (the) Ariki (Lord) titiro (look) mai (to me) rā (there) ki (to) ā (at) mātou (us)
    Tēnei (here) mātou (we) ō (your plural) tamariki (children)
    E whakapono (believe) ana (-ing) mātou (us) ki (to) ā (at) koe (you)
    Aue (alas) Aue Aue Aue
    Te (the) Matua (father) te Tamaiti (son) Wairua (spirit) Tapu (holy) e
    The beginning of the youtube is a chant and the song starts at 0:43.
  4. Ka waiata ki a Maria
    Ka waiata ki a Maria - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more

    And other versions here from CD
  5. Whakaaria mai
    Whakaaria mai - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more

    I think that any NZ parliment member who doesn't know to sing the song should be ashamed.
    If you want a regular version of this song, you can hear one here and hereand here
  6. He hōnore
    He hōnore he korōria
    Maungārongo ki te whenua
    Whakaaro, pai e
    Ki ngā tāngata katoa
    Ake ake, ake ake, amine
    Te Atua, te Piringa, toku oranga
    Honor and glory, peace to the land.
    Good thoughts for all of the people.
    Forever and ever, amen.
    God, the shelter and my health.
    He (an) hōnore (honor) he (a) korōria (glory)
    Maungārongo (peace) ki (to) te (the) whenua (land)
    Whakaaro (think), pai (good) e
    Ki (to) ngā (plural) tāngata (people) katoa (all)
    Ake ake, ake ake (forever), amine (amen)
    Te (the) Atua (lord), te (the) piringa (shelter), toku (my) oranga (health)
  7. Ngā whakamoemiti
    Ngā whakamoemiti - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more

    Another version here
  8. Purea nei e te hau
    Purea nei e te hau - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more
  9. E te Atua
    E te Atua - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more
  10. Mō maria aianei
    Mō maria aianei - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more

    And another version
  11. E te Tamaiti a te Atua
    E te Tamaiti a te Atua - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more
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  12. Tama ngākau mārie
    Tama ngākau mārie - lyrics
    More lyrics
    English version
    and more
    Mixed lyrics
    and more

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